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1. Section 1 – Definitions
WEE – the owner and operator of WEE HUB GENERAL TRADING LLC.

Activation – confirmation sent by WEE to the Seller about activation of their Personal Account.

Cancellation – a situation where the Customer refuses to receive the order before its delivery or is not available to receive the order.
2. Section 2 – Blocks
2.1. Subject of the Contract
WEE undertakes to:
(a) to make transactions at the expense of the Seller and on his behalf related to the sale of the Seller's products through the Platform for a fee;
(b) render services to the Seller in accordance with the Supplements to the Contract, and the Seller agrees to pay for them.
The rights and obligations on transactions related to the sale of products of the Seller and concluded on his behalf arise directly with the Seller.
Within the framework of transactions related to the sale of the Seller's products, WEE also performs the following actions:
(a) Enabling the Seller to place offers of products on the Platform, providing information on the Seller's orders of products, and informing the Customers;
(b) development, maintenance and administration of the Seller's Personal Account.
(c) Delivery of orders to the buyer and return of products to the seller.

2.2. Third parties
WEE is entitled to involve third parties to fulfil their obligations under the Agreement and is liable to the seller for their improper performance of their obligations.

2.3. Product Ownership
The products transferred to WEE remain in the Seller's ownership until the products are sold to the Buyer (at the time of fulfilment of the obligation to transfer the products to the Buyer).
3. Section 3 – Statements
9.2.1. The Purchaser may submit a request for the return of purchased Products within 15 days from the date of receipt of such Products by contacting WEE Support. WEE forwards the request to the vendor. After submitting a return request, the Seller has only one business day to review and take action on such request; otherwise, the return request is considered to have been originally approved.

9.2.2. WEE will arrange to receive the returned Merchandise after the initial approval and will deliver it back to you. The Seller must physically inspect, review, and inform us of his decision to accept the returned products within one working day from the moment of receipt of the returned products; otherwise, such a return request will be considered final approved and will be deducted from your sales revenue.
4. Section 4 – Images
Some important things about delivery address